Saturday, 18 December 2010

This is it.....

I'm finally popping my blogging cherry!

Number of working days left until we fly to Central America = 22

Number of things left on my 'pre-flight to do list' = TOO MANY!!!!

Ahead of my travels I thought I'd try and get started on this blog and decide how I'm actually going to go about updating it, after all no one wants to read essays on what I'm up to.

Choosing a blogging name was difficult enough, in the absence of any wit (it's Sunday night and my brain is tired) I had to consider nicknames, Wilmslowsmurf, Cocktail, Auntie Cole,Coley, nope nothing there.......but Scruff didn't seem too bad. It comes from a previous trip to Egypt, thanks to Kieran who felt that my general look after some nights camping in the desert needed some work. Sarah Jessica Parker I was not! Perfect.

So, Scruffy Love will be based on what I do and don't love about my trip generally, but since I still have 22 work days to go, I'll have to practice rating what's going on here at the moment...

Love factor for the December snow in London = 10,  IF I didn't have to go to work tomorrow, but as I, along with millions of others, will no doubt be waiting for delayed trains in the freezing cold, the love factor will have to drop to a 6.

Unless the snow gods would like to furnish me with another snow day??? Come on snow gods, bring back the 10!!! Where did I leave that snow day prayer...........


1 comment:

  1. Scruffy Love is a great name! I like the other suggestions too ;-)
